Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We've arrived!

As the title implies, we've arrived in London! Well, we actually arrived almost a week ago but broadband woes have kept us from our beloved interwebs for the most part (stupid BT!). Anywho, we're getting settled in and slowly getting over the jet lag. Our flat is lovely and the weather has been splendid so far (though I fear we're being spoiled as far as that goes). This post will be short, but we'll figure out this blogging thing soon enough and get some meatier content posted. Eventually... :-)

A few things we've observed:
- Z is known as "Zed"
- 0 (Zero) is known as "Naught"
- We have a crazy cat lady as a neighbor
- Sometimes it will lightly rain, which is known as "spitting"
- "Quid" is slang for pounds
- It stays light out till well past 10p (22:00 over here)
